80 Lessons I’ve Learned from My Grandma

Maybe helping raise my sister and I kept her young. Or maybe I was just afraid of losing her. But I always told her she wasn't allowed to call herself old until she turned 80. That was the rule. Now that she's reached that milestone, I realize that the number 80 doesn't just represent her "old" age. It represents her legacy. She has spent the last 80 years living lessons, and I've spent my lifetime learning them.

Lessons Learned the Hard Way | Growing Pains

This month we set out on a journey to explore the rocky road of each other's life lessons. We shared the heartache, the embarrassing stories, and the things we wish we had known when we were younger. As women, we have a lot of pressures surrounding us and a lot mistakes to be made. But we also have a lot to learn from each other if we only take the time to listen.