What to do When You Don’t Have the Answer-James 1:5

AMH Series // His Word is Written Across My Heart

I love being right.

I suppose I could blame it on my childhood or maybe on my personality test results. But what it boils down to is this: I like to have the right answer. If I have the right answer then no one can ever discredit me or make me look bad. Growing up in the church, that motivation definitely leaked into my faith. I wanted to have the right answer, the right scripture, and the right breakthrough.

My Answers Weren’t Enough

While there’s nothing wrong with a desire for excellence, the attitude behind my quest made faith difficult since God has a way of not always giving me His game plan for my life ahead of time. I wanted to know what the next step was, but I couldn’t just open the Bible and find a detailed step by step outline for Laura’s life. It was frustrating.

When I found James 1:5, it was like a breath of fresh air to my spirit!

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” – James 1:5

Seeking His Answers

This verse took the focus off what I was capable of knowing, or how smart I was. It acknowledged how I very well may lack wisdom in some areas, and how when I honestly realize that, there is a place I can take my questions and receive help…without being judged by God.

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For me, the breakthrough has come down to knowing the heart of God. As a kid, I thought God wanted me to do His bidding, almost like I was His little robot of good works. As a robot, I thought I should be programmed perfectly, and perceived that any flaw in my circuitry would cause me be to cast aside and rejected. However, God is so much bigger than that. He longs to have us be with Him, to seek His wisdom, and to encounter His loving heart.

His Wisdom Is Better

In recent years, I’ve been able to accept that I am far from perfect. By His grace, I’m finding that as I lean into Him and ask for His wisdom, life with Him as my source is a much more beautiful and free way to live.

My encouragement for you today is to ask God for His wisdom. Maybe you have some huge issues of faith to pray through, or maybe you just need to know how He wants you to handle a particular issue in a friendship. No matter what it is, He wants to give you wisdom, and He will do it all without finding fault. He wants your heart, and in exchange, He will give you His.

Want to learn more Scriptural truths for a better life? Follow the blog or join us on facebook and instagram for the summer long conversation on writing His truths across our hearts

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